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Producing Film, Television and Interactive Media in Newfoundland since 2001.


Brad Gover makes dramatic films, documentaries, and interactive media. His producing credits include "Bubble Dancers: Life in the Dishpit" (2014), an interactive documentary for the National Film Board of Canada that explores the lives those who work in the dish pits of St. John’s and reveals the human existence behind this so-called dead-end job, as well as "The Needle and the Damage Undone" (2012), a CBC television documentary that explores the impact harm reduction has on the lives of people who use injection drugs in Newfoundland and Labrador. As a follow-up to that documentary, he directed "Sister Morphine" (2014) about nurses struggling with addiction to the drugs they administer on a daily basis.


He also produced a number of short films, including most recently "Wife & Death" (2016) by well-known comedian Matt Wright and co-starring Greg Malone of CODCO fame, as well as the television pilot "The Slattery Street Crockers" (2013), written and directed by international best selling novelist, Kenneth J. Harvey. Brad has currently finished producing two feature length dramas, "Away From Everywhere" (2016), directed by Justin Simms, and starring Shawn Doyle, Joanne Kelly and Jason Priestley, as well "Riverhead" (2016), written and directed by Justin Oakey.


Brad serves on the Board of Directors for NIFCO, the Newfoundland Independent Filmmakers Co-Operative, and is a former president of the Nickel Independent Film Festival.

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