Our Mandate
The mandate of the Film Producers Association of Newfoundland is to foster the growth of independent film and video production in Newfoundland and Labrador.
PANL achieves this mandate through its role in:
Providing professional development opportunities, marketing and promotional activities
Providing marketing assistance via its International Market Access Program
Providing a resource of information and expertise for independent producers
Acts as an advocacy group at both the provincial and federal levels on policy matters that affect the film and video industry
Acts as a liaison with industry groups and agencies both locally, with the Newfoundland Independent Filmmakers Cooperative [NIFCO], the Atlantic Studios Cooperative [ASCO], and the Newfoundland & Labrador Film Development Corporation [NLFDC], as well as across the country with organizations such as Telefilm Canada, the Canadian Media Production Association, National Unions and Guilds.
Our Executive

Mark O'Neill, President

Brad Gover, Secretary
Who We Represent
NL has more than twenty-five active production companies that create original content and co-produce with partners from across the country and around the world.
These production companies are led by seasoned producers, some of whom have been established for over twenty-five years.
Need more details? Contact us.
Email: nlfilmproducers@gmail.com